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贝德福德 曼彻斯特



The Impact of Sharing Audio Recorded Clinic Visits on Self-Management in Older Adults: A Multi-site Trial


Medicine-General 内科医学

Comparing 健康care visit Recording and Open Notes to Improve Chronic iLlness care Experience in older adults (the CHRONICLE Trial)

Location: 贝德福德, 曼彻斯特, 黎巴嫩


A Master Protocol to Test the Impact of Discontinuing Chronic Therapies in People With Cystic Fibrosis on Highly Effective CFTR Modulator Therapy (SIMPLIFY)


一个多中心, 随机, 双盲, Placebo-Controlled Phase 2 Trial to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Lenabasum in Cystic Fibrosis


A Phase 1 Study to Evaluate the Safety, 耐受性, and Pharmacokinetics of PTI-808 in 健康y Adult Subjects and in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis


A第2期 Study of Galicaftor/Navocaftor/ABBV-119 or Galicaftor/Navocaftor/ABBV-576 in Subjects with Cystic Fibrosis who are Heterozygous for the F508del Mutation


A第2期, 随机, 双盲 Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of VX-561 in Subjects Aged 18 Years and Older With Cystic Fibrosis


A第3期, 非盲 Study Evaluating the Long-term Safety and Efficacy of VX-121 Combination Therapy in Subjects with Cystic Fibrosis

Location: 黎巴嫩, 曼彻斯特

A第3期, 非盲 Study Evaluating the Long-term Safety and Efficacy of VX-659 Combination Therapy in Subjects With Cystic Fibrosis Who Are Homozygous or Heterozygous for the F508del Mutation


A第3期, 非盲, Rollover Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Long-term Treatment With Tezacaftor in Combination With Ivacaftor in Subjects With Cystic Fibrosis Aged 6 Years and Older, Homozygous or Heterozygous for the F508del-CFTR Mutation


A第3期, 随机, 双盲, Controlled Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of VX-121 Combination Therapy in Subjects With Cystic Fibrosis Who Are Heterozygous for F508del and a Minimal Function Mutation (F/MF)


A第3期, 随机, 双盲, Controlled Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of VX-445 Combination Therapy in Subjects With Cystic Fibrosis Who Are Heterozygous for the F508del Mutation and a Gating or Residual Function Mutation (F/G and F/RF Genotypes)


A Phase 4 Study to Assess Symptoms of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency in Subjects with Cystic Fibrosis of Chronic Pancreatitis Treated with Creon (Pancrelipase) with an Alternate Source of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient


An Observational Long-Term Safety Surveillance of Participants from Corbus Sponsored Lenabasum Pivotal Clinical Trials


Biofilm Formation, Antibiotic Resistance Phosphatidylcholine Utilization By Pseudomonas In Cf Sputum

地点:曼彻斯特, 黎巴嫩

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Patient Registry

Location: 贝德福德, 曼彻斯特, 黎巴嫩

Prospective Evaluation of a Standardized Approach to Diagnosis (PREDICT) and Treatment (PATIENCE) of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria Disease in Cystic Fibrosis

地点:曼彻斯特, 黎巴嫩

Prospective Evaluation of a Standardized Approach to Diagnosis (PREDICT) and Treatment (PATIENCE) of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria Disease in Cystic Fibrosis

Location: 黎巴嫩, 曼彻斯特

The CHEC-SC Cohort Study: CHaractErizing CFTR Modulated Changes in Sweat Chloride and their Association with Clinical Outcomes

地点:曼彻斯特, 黎巴嫩

The Effects Of Systemic Anti-Pseudomonal Therapy On Fungal Load In Cystic Fibrosis


Pediatrics/Adolescent Medicine-General Pediatrics

The Developing Infant: Mapping the Microbiome in 健康 and in Disease

Location: 贝德福德, 曼彻斯特, 黎巴嫩

Using patient data to transform care and improve outcomes for children, 青少年, and young adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

地点:曼彻斯特, 黎巴嫩

Vitamin D Oral Replacement in Asthma


Pediatrics/Adolescent Medicine-Pediatric Pulmonology

A Prospective Observational Study in Cystic Fibrosis 病人 With Chronic Respiratory Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Infection Treated With TOBI Podhaler (Tobramycin Inhalation Powder) or Other FDA Approved Inhaled Antipseudomonal Antibacterial Drugs



Cannabis and Schizophrenia: Self-Medication and Agonist Treatment


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